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Code for Setting a pin for output (data direction for a port - DDR) using binary notation for the Atmel AVR microcontroller.

General explanation of push button and switch bounce. Removeing the push button or switch bounce is called debouncing the swith or push button. Debouncing can be addressed in two ways, software debouncing and hardware debouncing.

Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows:

- Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB = 0xFF for all PORT B pins output)

- Make sure that the pins will be set high in the interrupt service routine (ISR)

- Add another line within code block of the if (TCNT1>=800 && TCNT1<=2400) and make sure the pin reflect the correct output pin and the number after the TCNT1 >= value is correctly set for the position for that servo on that pin.

Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows:

- Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB = 0xFF for all PORT B pins output)

- Make sure that the pins will be set high in the interrupt service routine (ISR)

- Add another line within code block of the if (TCNT1>=800 && TCNT1<=2400) and make sure the pin reflect the correct output pin and the number after the TCNT1 >= value is correctly set for the position for that servo on that pin.

Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows:

- Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB = 0xFF for all PORT B pins output)

- Make sure that the pins will be set high in the interrupt service routine (ISR)

- Add another line within code block of the if (TCNT1>=800 && TCNT1<=2400) and make sure the pin reflect the correct output pin and the number after the TCNT1 >= value is correctly set for the position for that servo on that pin.

Only three servos were available, so the true output will not be shown.

Important aspects of outputting to more than one pin are as follows:

- Make sure the pins that will output the PWM are set for output data direction (i.e. DDRB = 0xFF for all PORT B pins output)

- Make sure that the pins will be set high in the interrupt service routine (ISR)

- Add another line within code block of the if (TCNT1>=800 && TCNT1<=2400) and make sure the pin reflect the correct output pin and the number after the TCNT1 >= value is correctly set for the position for that servo on that pin.

First the data direction register for port b (DDRB) and pin 0 must be set for output since the LED is be controlled.

The high or low state of that pin is already at a low state (by default) and that is how it need to be at the initialization.

A diagrammatic representation of a pointer machine that are related to data, nodes and fields where a field can point to another field. This is a way to understand how pointers work in c and c++ where an variable can be represented as a pointer and can point to an address of another variable.