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Understanding the 'AND', 'OR' and 'NOT' bitwise logical operations on paper.

Bitwise aritimetic to set a specific bit to 1 in an 8-bit number without affecting the neighboring bits in that number. Understanding the logical 'OR' bitwise operation on paper.

Bitwise arithmetic to set a specific bit to a 0 (or clear a bit) in an 8-bit number without affecting the neighboring bits in that number. Understanding the logical 'AND' and 'NOT' bitwise operation on paper.

Programatically understanding the logical 'OR' bitwise operation. Bitwise aritimetic to set a specific bit to 1 in an 8-bit number without affecting the neighboring bits in that number.

Programatically understanding shift operations used in the bitwise 'OR' operation.

Programatically using the 'XOR' bitwise operations to toggle a specific bit in an 8-bit number. This is useful if you want to turn the same bit on and off in sequence.

Setting either a left shift or right shift for the result will make it easier to grab the data for 8-bit or 10-bit. It is how the number will be placed within the register that will hold the data. The number will be placed in the register as left justified or right justified using terminology from word processors. This is important because the data will reside in two registers, because a 10-bit number will not fit in just one 8-bit register.

The bit that needs to be set is ADLAR if you want the data to be shifted to the left. This will put the 8-bit information in one register called the ADCH (ADC High) and make it very easy to get the number without having to do any bitwise manipulations.

The ADLAR is in the ADMUX register.

When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in the ADCH and ADCL registers.

First, the ADCL register must be accessed and saved into another variable. The is a rule that must be followed when trying to get the 10-bit number.

Second, a variable will be needed to store the 10-bit conversion. A 16-bit variable is used. A bitwise shift operation will be used to get the data into the variable correctly. Both left adjusted (ADLAR = 1) and right adjusted (ADLAR = 0) will be shown.

When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in the ADCH and ADCL registers.

First, the ADCL register must be accessed and saved into another variable. The is a rule that must be followed when trying to get the 10-bit number.

Second, a variable will be needed to store the 10-bit conversion. A 16-bit variable is used. A bitwise shift operation will be used to get the data into the variable correctly. The Right Adjusted method ADLAR = 0 is shown in this case.

Using the bitwise shift operator is a very powerful feature. A number from one binary number can be put into another variable into any digit

When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in the ADCH and ADCL registers.

First, the ADCL register must be accessed and saved into another variable. The is a rule that must be followed when trying to get the 10-bit number.

Second, a variable will be needed to store the 10-bit conversion. A 16-bit variable is used. A bitwise shift operation will be used to get the data into the variable correctly. The Right Adjusted method ADLAR = 0 is shown in this case.

Result of hte ADC 10-bit conversion shown on the LDC.

When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in the ADCH and ADCL registers.

First, the ADCL register must be accessed and saved into another variable. The is a rule that must be followed when trying to get the 10-bit number.

Second, a variable will be needed to store the 10-bit conversion. A 16-bit variable is used. A bitwise shift operation will be used to get the data into the variable correctly. The Right Adjusted method ADLAR = 0 is shown in this case.

Multiple bitwise operations can be expressed in a single line. This is an example of taking two Or bitwise operations that were on two lines and combined into one line.

The ADLAR is not set in this program because it is 0 (right adjusted) by default.

When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in the ADCH and ADCL registers.

First, the ADCL register must be accessed and saved into another variable. The is a rule that must be followed when trying to get the 10-bit number.

Second, a variable will be needed to store the 10-bit conversion. A 16-bit variable is used. A bitwise shift operation will be used to get the data into the variable correctly.

The ADLAR is not set in this program because it is 0 (right adjusted) by default.

When a 10-bit number is desired from the ADC conversion, both the ADCH and ADCL must be used to get the full 10-bit number. The ADC stores the conversion in the ADCH and ADCL registers.

First, the ADCL register must be accessed and saved into another variable. The is a rule that must be followed when trying to get the 10-bit number.

Second, a variable will be needed to store the 10-bit conversion. A 16-bit variable is used. A bitwise shift operation will be used to get the data into the variable correctly.

When the pressure sensor is tested to see the raw ADC 10-bit data on the LCD, the actual data did not appear. In the program, the bitwise operation for shifting and setting the ADEN (ADC Enable) to 1 was not correct. The shift operator uses two less than symbols and the program only had one less than symbol. It was a runtime error rather than an error at compile time is because the singe less than symbol is a valid symbol and valid in the context.