Jason Q's blackTooth is groovy baby!
Jason's Austin Powers inspired blackTooth is painted with a red coat and features a white silhouette outline of a shark with a laser beam attached to it's head. Dr. Evil would certainly be proud Jason. He might even offer you ONE MILLION DOLLARS for it. Jason sent in the photos and we couldn't resist putting it up on the website ASAP because it is one of the coolest things we've ever seen done to one of our machines. A little about Jason Q. "By day I wear a suit and tie in a cube farm, at night and weekends I build things my friends think are from the future. As a maker, I want to change the world one creation at a time. Thinking outside the box is what I do. Taking a pile of mismatched parts and making something someone has never seen before is my passion and if you're going to make something you have to do it with some style! I don't have a Makerspace nearby so I assembled one in my garage, that I call it Lab Q. I love living in the future!" Right on Jason! You keep on making the future and we'll be here to document it.