03. Arduino for Production!! How to Connect the ST-Link v2 ARM Programmer to your Computer
The next thing that needs to be installed is the device driver to setup this programmer. This is the programmer that will be used to flash the firmware to the microcontroller.
First you’ll need to find the driver on the ST-link website. It is called the STSW-LINK003. You can find it on the website or google it.
the name of the file and the top of the page will look like this:
Scroll down to the download link and download. .
Open the zip folder.
This is an application that will install the ST-Link driver to your computer.
The status bubble will pop up and tell you that the driver device is being installed. Click on this bubble. you will need to fast as this bubble will disappear quickly. You will want to click on this bubble to confirm that the STLink dongle is being install correctly.
The following dialog box will appear. The STLink dongle will be recognized and will first display as STM32 STLink.
The next dialog box will show the actual name: STMicroelectronics STLink dongle. This will prove that the correct driver was installed.
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