Step 26: Power Supply Part 2
In the last video, I actually reversed the white and the green wires from the bridge rectifier to the capacitor. I connected the negative lead on the bridge rectifier to the positive lead to the capacitor. It's times like these you do not want to plug things in prematurely! I caught the error and de-soldered the leads and connected them correctly. You will see that I don't use electrical tape sparingly. I use it to make sure all bare leads are completely covered very well. I also use it to make the job of connecting and soldering a little more painless. Electrical tape, just like duct tape, has many latent uses, such as taping the two capacitors together so they don't move around too much. A fuse and a resistor are the next components to solder. I gave you the details on these in the last post, so I will spare you.