Step 34 - Software Toolchain Part 1 - Mach 3 Installation

Step 34 - Software Toolchain Part 1 - Mach 3 Installation

In my explanation, I will discuss the individual software applications as the process is completed and I will get into more detail as I create the tutorials for each application. The toolchain can contain as many as three software applications, or as few as one. Because we are cheap... well, I should speak for myself. The more appropriate word would be "poor". The latter of the software selections of only one application would be to purchase a CAD/CAM package. CAD, or Computer Aided (Assisted) Design and CAM, or Computer Assisted Manufacturing, can reside in a single application; however, the cost can be astounding. There are some applications that are relatively inexpensive, but did I mention I am poor? In this three program toolchain, an intermediary application is needed to link the CAD to the CAM. It's actually a part of the CAM process. So, you have a DXF file, say it's named citymodel.dxf. This DXF file needs to be converted to G-Code (a file that is understood by the last software application). My personal recommendation, because I'm cheap, is "Ace Converter". It converts the DXF file to g-code and enables you to set specific parameters for each layer. What's a layer, you ask? I will get into that in more detail later... patience... patience. Another application that can be used is LazyCAM by Artsoft. It may cost a little, but it may be worth it. The final software application is the one that this video is all about. So now we need that g-code to be shoved into the machine so the object can be formed. Mach3 is a perfect application for this part of the process. Mach3 is also created by the folks over at Artsoft. They offer an evaluation version that allows you to run 500 lines of g-code. This application also serves as the tool to configure the connection to the actual CNC machine. Mach3 will read the g-code and output signals to the machine that invoke the driver and motors. Mach3 can also control such mechanisms as coolant, spindle speed, limit switches, e-stop, other axes, and many others. Artsoft has many wonderful video tutorials on their line of applications.
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