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Tumbnail: 62 oz-in NEMA 17 Stepping motors (also called stepper motor)

NEMA 17 Stepping Motor (62 oz-in 5mm single shaft)

$19.95 Out of Stock
Modular 2/5 amp stepping motor driver

2.5 Stepper Motor Driver (Modular unit)

USB 2.0 Cable 10 Foot Type A Male to Type B Male

USB 2.0 Cable Type A Male to Type B Male - 10 FT

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

Multimeter Security Banana Plug To Test Hook Clip Probe Lead Cable 500V

3 Foot USB Cable Type A to USB Cable Type A

USB Cable Type A Male to USB Type A Male - 3 FT

Type K Thermocouple Temperature Sensor

Type K Thermocouple - Temperature Sensor

Image of the Atmega324p



10K timmer potentiometer

10K Trimmer Potentiometer (Through Hole)

16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)

16x2 LCD (Liquid Crystal Display)


Unreal Engine 4 (UE4) How to turn a light on and off using a box trigger (A very quick example)

Add a light into the level from the content browser. In this example, a point light is used. From the content browser, add a box trigger.

To add an event for the trigger, select the trigger and in the detail panel, under blueprints heading, add an event for the trigger a BeginOverlap Event.

A blueprint graph will appear with the BeginOverlap event in the graph. To access the light's features and properties, go to the level and select the light. Go back to the blueprint graph and right click in the graph to get the context menu. Type toggle visibility, or drill down into the menu until you find that property.

A reference to the light will appear and a connection and a node for the toggle visibility will also appear.

Now, only an execution white wire can be connected from the Begin Overlap event to the toggle visibility function.

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