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Part 1: Making a convenient connector from a 2x3 female header to an inline 6 pin male header for SPI communication from USBTiny at the computer end to the microcontrollers MOSI, MISO, SCK, Reset, VCC and Gnd pins (using headers, perf board and solid core jumper wires).

Introduction to Headers. What headers are and how they are used and how to solder them onto a perfboard.

One way to cut breakaway header strips using a pair of wire cutters or snips. Pliers can also be used and best if two pliers are used. Fingers are also possible, but is difficult with short breakaway header strips.

Right angle or L shaped headers to allow a board to connect in a right angle to another board or female header IDC connector.

Modifying headers so that the pins of the headers stick out farther from one end.

Soldering headers onto perf board using the unique way of soldering form the long pin side (using modified headers). The first soldered pin is poor, but the rest are good. The first pad was not heated enough because the solder tip was not positionedat the correct angle.

Inserting two breakaway header strips to form a two row IDC header connector. There are special grooves or slot on one side of the header strip that lock into the next row.

Part 1 of Soldering Technique to get headers to line up or seat straight using a female connector plugged into the two row header strip so the headers are aligned while soldering.

Part 2 of Soldering Technique to get headers to line up or seat straight using a female connector plugged into the two row header strip so the headers are aligned while soldering.

Part 2: Making a convenient connector from a 2x3 female header to an inline 6 pin male header for SPI communication from USBTiny at the computer end to the microcontrollers MOSI, MISO, SCK, Reset, VCC and Gnd pins (using headers, perf board and solid core jumper wires). MISO - Master In Slave Out, MOSI - Master Out Slave In, SCK - Clock line, Reset, VCC - positive voltage, and GND - 0 voltage.

Intentionally solder a solder bridge to connect a solid core wire to a header pin. Specifically for the MISO (Master In slave Out).

Soldering a wire from one location on a perf board and to a header pin to another location on a perf board and to a header pin using a wire stripper, soldering iron, perf board and solder. Specifically for the MOSI (Master Out Slave In).

Intentionally solder a solder bridge to connect a solid core wire to a header pin. Specifically for the MOSI (Master Out Slave In).

Soldering a wire from one location on a perf board and to a header pin to another location on a perf board and to a header pin using a wire stripper, soldering iron, perf board and solder. Specifically for the SCK (Clock Line).

Intentionally solder a solder bridge to connect a solid core wire to a header pin. Specifically for the SCK (Clock Line).

Soldering a wire from one location on a perf board and to a header pin to another location on a perf board and to a header pin using a wire stripper, soldering iron, perf board and solder. Specifically for the Reset.

Intentionally solder a solder bridge to connect a solid core wire to a header pin. Specifically for the Reset.

Soldering a wire from one location on a perf board and to a header pin to another location on a perf board and to a header pin using a wire stripper, soldering iron, perf board and solder. Specifically for the VCC power.

Intentionally solder a solder bridge to connect a solid core wire to a header pin. Specifically for the VCC power.

Soldering a wire from one location on a perf board and to a header pin to another location on a perf board and to a header pin using a wire stripper, soldering iron, perf board and solder. Specifically for the GND (ground or 0 volts).

Intentionally solder a solder bridge to connect a solid core wire to a header pin. Specifically for the GND (ground or 0 volts).

Description of the #include statement with emphasis on #include avr/io.h which includes a header file that contains other code into the current program. Contains code and definitions for the Atmel AVR microcontrollers.

All libraries (header files .h) that are created for c or c++ programs must have code in them to make sure they are not compiled more than once. The use of #ifndef #define and #endif is used for this. The #ifndef means if not defined. If a define is in the top portion of the library file to demarkate the file by a special name, then an ifndef can be used to make sure the code in that library is omitted if the define was alreay seen by the compiler.

To enable interrupts, a library (header file) must be included:

Libraries are files containing code that can be used to extend the functionality of a program. In C and C++, these libraries are stored in header files and .C files. The library files are included in the main file using an #include statement.

The header information (generally the code above the main function that include the #define statements and function prototypes), and the functions are stored in the .c file. If desired, all of the code (header and functions) can be stored in the header file.

If a .c file library is created, any global variables that is used in the functions would be located in this .c file rather than the header .h file.

Libraries are files containing code that can be used to extend the functionality of a program. In C and C++, these libraries are stored in header files and .C files. The library files are included in the main file using an #include statement. In this case, only a .h header file will be created.

The header information (generally the code above the main function that include the #define statements and function prototypes), and the functions are stored in the .c file. If desired, all of the code (header and functions) can be stored in the header file.

If a .c file library is created, any global variables that is used in the functions would be located in this .c file rather than the header .h file.

A header file needs a mechanism to only allow the code to compile once, even if the header file is included in other files more than once. The #ifndef is used for this purpose.

A header file needs a mechanism to only allow the code to compile once, even if the header file is included in other files more than once. The #ifndef is used for this purpose.

The commands that are required to be able to use the LCD are put into an initialization function. Commands that are required for the LCD use is:

- Setting the correct data direction for the LCD pins
- Clearing the Screen if the LCD: 0x01 with a delay afterwards
- Command to turn the LCD on and set the cursor attributes.

Soldering a wire to a metal pin of a header is tricky. The problem with simply soldering a wire to a metal pin is that the wire can easily break off of the pin. The solution is to create a mechanical connection with the wire to the pin and then soldering the wire. A mechanical connection in this case is simply taking the wire and looping it once around the pin.

Extra hands are used to assist in the holding of the headers while soldering

A standard pair of needle nose pliers is used to crimp this crimp pin since this is the tool that most have rather than the more expensive crimping tool.

The needle nose pliers is first used to close the crimping part of the crimp pin and then the wire is inserted and the pliers is used to finally close the crimp.

Orientation is key to inserting the crimp pin into the female header. There is a notch on the crimp pin and a flap on the female header that can be used to remove the crimp pin if necessary. This notch should be on the side of this flap when the crimp pin is inserted.

This is a breakout for the pressure sensor since the sensor is it is an SMD (a Surface Mount Device). Fortunately, the pressure sensor has a lead pitch that matches the perf board pad spacing of .1" (2.54 mm).

This allows the prototyping to go much faster as the sensor can be plugged into the breadboard very easily. The leads are simply soldered onto the pads and a header that shares these pads.

Include files can be saved in a location to be only for the particular project, or located in a folder on the computer for accessing for any project. In this case, I show how to locate the header file so you can access it from any project in the Atmel Studio 6.

Using needle-nose pliers to make a clean separation on a breakaway header.

Courtesy of Youtube Channel: ProtoPICVideos·